Monday, August 27, 2012

IF: Tall

Well after another long break form illustration Friday Seeing the topic I thought I’d get back into it with this image I’ve just completed as it seemed appropriate.

Yes back to the dinosaurs.

This is a Jobaria a sauropod dinosaur discovered in the Sahara Desert in 1997. It is thought to have been about 18 metres long. Not the largest of the sauropods but still pretty tall:)


JODDI said...[Reply to comment]

Great illustration, really well done. Especially love the textures.

Laurie A. Conley said...[Reply to comment]

Wow, this is fantastic!

Michele Thomas said...[Reply to comment]

Fabulous illustration!

Lins Artyblobs said...[Reply to comment]

Great illustration.

Val Myburgh Art said...[Reply to comment]

52Fab Phil! Well done and congratulations.

Artbyphil said...[Reply to comment]

Thanks for the comments everyone :)

Anonymous said...[Reply to comment]

Well done


Charles Akins said...[Reply to comment]

wow. i've got my computer "glare glasses" on and this looks 3-d! cool!